South Orange County, CA

South Orange County, CA, Complete Cleaning Services

Thanks for visiting Brett’s Home Services! In South Orange County, CA, we have been offering expert cleaning services for over 35 years. We like helping our customers with some of the most difficult cleaning jobs around their homes. We stand out from other cleaning companies since we are insured by general liability and workers’ compensation insurance. Right now, we’d be delighted to take care of your most treasured possession.

One Location for All of Your Cleaning Needs

We are unrivaled in terms of how thoroughly we can clean your house. Every inch of your home is meticulously cleaned by our professionals, who go above and beyond. You may be confident that the result will satisfy you after we’re done!

You can get assistance from our knowledgeable cleaners with pressure washing, gutter cleaning, carpet cleaning, tile cleaning, window cleaning, and stone polishing.

Set Up Your Service Right Away!

Our Brett’s Home Services professionals work hard to give you the cleaning services you deserve. Contact (949) 682-6633 if you reside in South Orange County, CA, and ask for a free estimate. You may be confident that we’ll treat your house with care like our own.

What our clients are saying